TPA capacity60k+
operating hoursR&D
funding possibilitiesThe Mobile Test Unit is designed and constructed by SLB Capturi and the product has been operational since 2008. The Mobile Test Unit utilizes our Advanced Carbon Capture™ technology fully installed, meaning that results from test campaigns are scalable towards large scale plants. The Mobile Test Unit includes all functions as found in our large-scale systems, and is built for operation at a wide range of flue gases and locations. It consists of 6 units that can be easily transported for testing our CO₂ capture technology on actual sources of flue gas.
The Mobile Test Unit is not for sale, but offered as a service with plant, operators, transport, installation, test campaigns, analysis and decommissioning included. Our experienced operator team have been around the world testing on facilities in Europe and North America. The rental solution is transportable on road, rail and ship as all elements fit into ISO containers.
Customers benefit from the Mobile Test Unit option when planning for large scale implementations. Most customers in the mid- and large-scale market for carbon capture do not see standard monoethanolamine (MEA) based solutions as an option. The ability to bring an exact replica of a proprietary large scale carbon capture plant which has been run in parallel for 2 years with a large scale plant at the Technology Center Mongstad (TCM), provides a completely different type of risk reduction in the planning of a large scale plant.
Unique track record from Mobile Test Unit (MTU) – advanced CO₂ capture pilot.
Continously upgraded and developed since 2008
Our Mobile Test Unit has the same environmentally friendly solutions as you find in all the SLB Capturi products. Not only does it benefit from the HSE friendly amine blend, but also has installed key patented solutions for reducing emissions to air such as the Anti Mist System.